14th Conference „Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems“ DAMSS-2023

14th Conference „Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems“ DAMSS-2023

From November 30, 2023 23:45 until December 02, 2023 01:45 Save to calendar

At Druskininkai, Lithuania Hotel „Europa Royale“

Posted by Nenad Stefanović



Categories: Conferences

Tags: conference , data analysis , data science

Hits: 508


The Organizing Committee is pleased to welcome you to take part at the 14th Conference „Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems“ DAMSS-2023, which will be held on November 30 - December 2, 2023 in Druskininkai, Lithuania www.mii.lt/DAMSS . We hope that most people will participate in-person, but the conference also provides an opportunity for limited number of virtual presentations.

Organizers of the Conference:

- Vilnius University Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies

- Lithuanian Academy of Sciences

- Lithuanian Computer Society

Partner: International Federation for Information Processing IFIP

Main topics:

- Artificial Intelligence

- Applied Mathematics in Data Sciences

- Big data

- Bioinformatics

- Blockchain Technologies

- Business Rules Software Engineering

- Data Science

- Deep Learning

- Digital Technologies

- High-Performance and Quantum Computing

- Machine Learning

- Medical Informatics

- Modelling Educational Data

- Ontological Engineering

- Optimization in Data Science

- Visualization Methods for Multidimensional Data



The conference is to be held on November 30 - December 2, 2023 in hotel "Europa Royale", Druskininkai, Lithuania, http://www.groupeuropa.com/europa_royale/hotel_druskininkai/

Hotel suggests the significant discounts for participants of DAMSS-2022: price is 65 Eur for single room and 70 Eur for double room per night plus city taxes.

Conference Registration Fee: 250 EUR.

Conference fee includes: Attendance to scientific program of the conference, Publication in conference proceedings, Coffee-breaks, Lunch, Welcome reception, Conference dinner.

Late Registration Fee:  290 EUR

Online Participation Registration Fee: 150 EUR

Important dates

Deadline for registration by internet: October 30, 2023



Selected papers will be published in "Informatica" (https://informatica.vu.lt)  and "Baltic Journal of Modern Computing" (www.bjmc.lu.lv).


Each session talk is 15-20 minutes long. For higher efficiency of the conference, most presentations are presented in the form of poster. Poster sessions will provide an opportunity for the authors to display the results and conclusions of the presented researchers. The posters will be exhibited during the conference.


Dr. Jolita Bernatavičienė This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Best regards,

Gintautas Dzemyda

Conference Chairman

Prof. Dr. Habil.

Full member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences

Director of the Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies

Head of the Cognitive Computing Group

Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies Vilnius University Akademijos St. 4 Vilnius, LT-08412 Lithuania

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


2023-11-30 23:45:00
2023-12-02 01:45:00