9th AI4KM invites the 1st AIES 2021

9th AI4KM invites the 1st AIES 2021

From August 21, 2021 01:04 until August 22, 2021 03:04

At Montreal, Canada

Posted by Nenad Stefanović



Categories: Conferences , Workshop

Hits: 1096

9th AI4KM invites the 1st AIES 2021 (Artificial Intelligence for Energy and sustainability)

Call for Papers AIES (Artificial Intelligence for Energy and Sustainability)

Workshop supported by IFIP Technical Committee 12 (AI)

A One Day Program that includes invited talks, presentations and discussions.

This workshop has the specific objective of facing environmental challenges using AI approaches and techniques to support and improve the management of sustainable energy systems within smart cities, smart facilities, smart buildings, smart transportation and smart houses.

Decision support systems, planning and optimization in the sustainability and energy management fields require understanding of related systems, modelling, applying appropriate AI techniques including machine learning algorithms and handling temporary aspects of big data. Energy generation, transmission, distribution, sales and consumption need distinct focus with the energy mix optimization, distributed approaches, renewable energies with storage. Any short-term, mid-term and long-term forecasting, optimization models, trend foresights and prescriptions based on scenarios are studied in the energy world and the smart systems for sustainability.

The objective of this multidisciplinary session is to bring both researchers and practitioners together to discuss methodological, technical and organizational aspects of AI used for the traditional and renewable energy lifecycles. Knowledge sharing in constructing the AI models, Business Operations, Support of short, medium and long-term decisions and innovations in the fields of sustainability and energy will improve the interactions of human life and economies. Ultimate goal of the workshop is bring a contribution to achieve some of 17 UN sustainability goals.

The conference topics include (but are not limited to):

Artificial Intelligence for

Knowledge Management for Energy Ecosystems

Sustainability Policies

Decision Models for Energy Policy Makers

Decision Support for Energy System Management and Control

Smart Transportation Models

Optimization Models for Energy Efficiency

Mitigation of Emissions

Climate Change Adaptation Models

Carbon Trading

Multi Objective Optimization of Hybrid Resource utilization

Non-Linear Optimization of Energy Loads & Dispatch

Real time Control of Energy Systems

Energy Forecasting Models Distributed Energy Operation Models Modelling the Sustainable Future


Researches and practitioners are invited to submit their recent advances in methodologies, models and tools for managing knowledge in organizations and to discuss experiences in Energy Management and Sustainability.  It covers development of complex systems to solve non-convex, nonlinear problems.

This conference form will be:

Paper Submission and Publication

on easychair AIES_2021

or send to  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Accepted and presented papers will be published in electronic proceedings on http://ifipgroup.com/ linked to IJCAI website.

Important Dates

Conference August 21-23, 2021 https://www. https://ijcai-21.org/

Organizing Committee:

Gülgün Kayakutlu. email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Eunika Mercier-Laurent email:  eunikaThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mieczyslaw Owoc email: MieczyslawThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Georgios Saharidis, University of Thessaly, Greece, email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Jean-François Rizand, CRIM, email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.