05 August 2014 By In IFIP TC12 Blog

Professor Elizabeth Chang is Professor and Canberra Fellow in the School of Business, the University of New South Wales, at the Australian Defence Force Academy.

Her current research focuses on Defence Logistics and Asset Management; Intelligence Transport Systems, Ambient Security, Cyber-Physical Systems; Trust and Risks, Emergency Situation Awareness; Virtual Collaborative Logistics and underlying technologies including data intelligence and real time predictive analytics.

She is motivated by the idea of “creating value by making connections’ and has special skills in getting industry, public and private sectors to support for academic research.

16 July 2014 By In IFIP TC12 Blog

Ph.D in Applied Mathematics 1976 from the Free University of Brussels (VUB) in Belgium.

Retired Emeritus Full Professor from VUB in October 2013. Founded and directed the Semantics Technology and Applications Research Laboratory (STARLab) there in 1995.

Earlier positions include the University of Antwerp (UIA, 1975-78), Control Data Corp. (Data Management Lab, Brussels, Belgium, 1978-83). Worked there on the definition of the NIAM (now ORM) method as well as languages (RIDL) and first tools for this methodology.

16 July 2014 By In IFIP TC12 Blog

Keynote Seminar delivered at IFIP TC12 AI Summer School, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 5-6 August 2014

Prof. (Em.) Dr Robert Meersman

Semantics, or the meaning of things –in particular of communicated and stored information, of course is a very old field of study, originally the near-exclusive playground of philosophers and logicians. Naturally  these formal first principles still apply however to any intendedly meaningful information that is communicated with the help computers and stored in them, specifically inside information systems in the broadest possible interpretation of that term: it includes everything from files, websites, databases, networks, or indeed the internet itself.

01 July 2014 By In IFIP TC12 Blog

Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics  

Cloud computing offers an exciting opportunity to bring on-demand applications to customers and is being used for delivering hosted services over the Internet and/or processing massive amount of data for business intelligence. In this talk, we will discuss the architecture of cloud computing, MapReduce, and Hadoop. We will then discuss how the cloud infrastructure and services can be used for big data analytics. Finally, we will discuss various big data applications such as social media analytics, fraud analytics, voice-of-customer analytics, etc.

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