Artificial Intelligence has been declared as multidiciplinary science in 1956. Since researchers and practitionners have invented and experimented various approaches and techniques as well as of concious as unconcious AI. Its third wave has been triggered by big data on one hand, increased computer power and motivation to sale more and quicker on the other hand. Technologies as intelligent assistant, automated translators robots, cobots, autonomous vehicles are now available, but they raised other questions and challenges.
Ours speakers will try to answer the following questions:
Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences | Volume 45: Issue 3
Artificial Intelligence Research Community and Associations in Poland
Grzegorz J. Nalepa and Jerzy Stefanowski
PP-RAI Conference:
Dear IFIP TC12 members and all AI fans,
Please find attached the December 2019 edition of the IFIP News.
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Here, you can find the presentations form the 2019 IFIP Austrian Forum.
The third wave of AI
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